1. Borsh
2. Belkin
3. Borodin Igor
4. Voinov Vadim
5. Gurov Yuri
6. Zverev Nikolai
7. Ivanova Yulia
8. Kozlov Boris
9. Valran Valery
10. Kozlov Evgenij
11. Kozlov Viktor
12. Maltabarov Aleksandr
13. Maryshev Evgenij
14. Novikov Timur
15. Kirillova Iya
16. Ovchinnikov Vladimir
17. Pobezhenski Vyacheslav
18. Rybakov Yuli
19. Sidorenis Vladimir
20. Trofimov Viktor
21. Tager Arkadi
22. Polushkin Anatoli
23. Shatalov Mikhail
24. Ukhnalev Evgenij
25. Yablokov Andrey
26. Shlizilovich Olga
27. Borisov Leonid
28. Dyshlenko Yuri
29. Gavrilchik Vladlen
30. Krekhina Tamara
31. Khromov Aleksei
32. Ivanov Mikhail
33. Brovina Zhanna
34. Shagin
35. Kozhin Aleksandr
36. Shevelenko Elena
37. Shevelenko Vyacheslav
38. Prasolov Aleksandr
39. Gobanov Yuri
40. Troitsky Konstantin
41. Vasiliev Anatoli
42. Kubasov Vitali
43. Solovieva Valentina
44. Inal Savchenkov
1. Борщ Борис
2. Белкин Анатолий
3. Бородин Игорь
4. Воинов Вадим
5. Гуров Юрий
6. Зверев Николай
7. Иванова Юлия
8. Козлов Борис
9. Вальран Валерий
10. Козлов Евгений
11. Козлов Виктор
12. Малтабаров Александр
13. Марышев Евгений
14. Новиков Тимур
15. Кириллова Ия
16. Овчинников Владимир
17. Побеженский Вячеслав
18. Рыбаков Юлий
19. Сироденис Владимир
20. Трофимов Виктор
21 Тагер Аркадий
22. Полушкин Анатолий
23. Шаталов Михаил
24. Ухналев Евгений
25. Яблоков Андрей
26. Шлизилович Ольга
27. Борисов Леонид
28. Дышленко Юрий
29. Гаврильчик Владлен
30. Крехина Тамара
31. Хромов Алексей
32 Иванов Михаил
33. Бровина Жанна
34. Шагин Владимир
35 Кожин Александр
36. Шевеленко Елена
37. Шевеленко Вячеслав
38 Прасолов Александр
39. Гобанов Юрий
40. Троицкий Константин
41. Васильев Анатолий
42. Кубасов Виталий
43. Соловьева Валентина
44. Инал Савченков
Этот "неофициальный", "личный" плакат Е-Е создал для второй выставки независимых ленинградских художников “ТЭИИ”, проходившей во Дворце Молодежи с 5 по 20 апреля 1983 г. Фигуры первоначально предназначались для "SIT VENIA VERBO. Традиции XX века" (собрание Государственного Русского музея, Санкт-Петербург), а прямоугольное отверстие отсылает к "НОЛЬ ОБЪЕКТУ" Тимура Новикова и Ивана Сотникова (1982). На оборотной стороне плаката расписались 35 из 44 художников.
Russian Translation: Alexander Skidan |
E-E created this personalised exhibition poster for the second presentation of independent Leningrad artists "TEII” in the Palace of the Youth, April 5 - 20, 1983. The figures were first designed for "SIT VENIA VERBO. Traditions of the XX Century" (collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg), and the rectangular hole refers to Timur Novikov's and Ivan Sotnikov's "NOL OBYEKT" from 1982. 35 of 44 artists signed on the back of the poster. No 44, Inal Savchenkov, is not on the TEII's official list.
Text: Hannelore Fobo, 2007
Full text:
This work was made as a personalised exhibition poster for the presentation of Works of Leningrad Artists in the Palace of the Youth, from April 5 - 20, 1983, also known as The Second Exhibition of the Society for Experimental Visual Art / 2-я общая выставка ТЭИИ.
The rectangular hole in the upper half and the double figure left to it with “0” prints on both hands refer to Timur Novikov's and Ivan Sotnikov's "NOL OBYEKT" from 1982, a conceptual work which had created an almost iconoclastic controversy.
In its technical aspects, this work pays tribute to the Russian avantgarde of the early twentieth century and uses visual effects developed for print, especially posters: stencils for figures and graphic effects as well as geometric fonts, here achieved with letraset letters (instant lettering). The clear edges of the figures are in contrast with the soft texture of the gouache surface of the bodies, applied with slightly irregular brushstrokes. The colours of nature - red, green, light blue, ochre, yellow, charcoal grey - against the background of the light brown paper are a further homage to the twenties.
The figures themselves, however, in their elegant, well-defined movements and well-cut suits, belong to an international world, and, most likely, to a world of business. As a matter of fact, these figures are only some of of those originally worked out for the painting "SIT VENIA VERBO. Traditions of the XX Century" (collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg). This painting, also from 1983, of a much larger format, shows them walking and standing in the spacious hall of an airport, displaying the calm self-assurance of those who know that they can rely on their abilities.
It is not clear whether this poster was ever shown during the exhibition, but the artist vividly recalls how he collected the signatures of the participants of the exhibition on the last day of the show, just before it was closed. He knew that most artists would come together on this occasion, and he was eager to collect as many signatures as possible. This was a unique oppurtunity to fix a historical moment in time: it had been only the second official manifestation of the new wave of the so-called unofficial" Leningrad art. At the end of the day, he proved to be quite successful: out of 43 (44) artists, 35 had signed.