(E-E) Ev.g.e.n.i.j ..K.o.z.l.o.     Berlin                                                  


• Sergey Kuryokhin and Pop Mekhanika – all documents
• Сергей Курёхин и Поп-механика – все документы

Hannelore Fobo

Sergey Kuryokhin: Improvisations and Performances

Part Three

Empire and Magic. “Pop-Mekhanika No. 418” (1995)

Second, revised version 11 March 2020 (First version 13 August 2018)

page 12 • Works cited

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to page 1 • Introduction >>

Works cited

Abarinov, Vladimir and Sidorova, Galina. “‘Russkiy mir’, bessmyslennyi I besposhchadnyi” (“‘The Russian World', Meaningless and Ruthless”) [“‘Русский мир', бессмысленный и беспощадный"]. Radio Svoboda, 18. 2. 2015. Web. 31 July 2018 https://www.svoboda.org/a/26855650.html

Antikompromat. Publichnaia internet-biblioteka Vladimira Pribylovskogo

(Antikompromat. The public internet library of Vladimir Pribylovsky.) [Антикомпромат. Публичная интернет-библиотека Владимира Прибыловского]

“Mezhdunarodnoe evraziiskoe dvizhenie (MED)”

Undated. Web 25 July 2018 http://anticompromat.org/dugin/med_spr.html

Bible translations. Various sources of English translations of the New Testament:

Bible Hub.


Bible Gateway


Bible Study Tools


Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. The Cost of Discipleship, New York: Macmillan Publishing 1949, First Macmillan Paperbacks edition 1963. Twenty-first printing 1979
Imprint: Translated from the German NACHFOLGE, first published 1937 by Chr. Kaiser Verlag München by R. H. Fuller, with some revision by Irmgard Booth.

Bouchet, Christian. “Droit de réponse.” Le Parisien, 20 Aug. 2002. Web. 26 July 2018.


Bowker, John. The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. New York, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 81, Web. 27 July 2018. https://www.themystica.com/apophatic-theology/

Camus, Jean-Yves. “A Long-Lasting Friendship: Alexander Dugin and the French Radical Right.” Eurasianism and the European Far Right: Reshaping the Europe-Russia Relationship, ed. by Marlene Laruelle, pp.79-96. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015.

Caroll, Peter J. Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic. Boston: Red Whell/Weiser, 1987. Web. 25 July 2018


Colman, Andrew M. A Dictionary of Psychology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001, fourth edition 2015

Crowley, Aleister et. al. Commentaries 
to Liber AL vel Legis.

Text © Ordo Templi Orientis. Web. 31 July 2018.

This (undated) source also offers some possible interpretations of Crowley’s comments.


Crowley, Aleister. Equinox of the Gods. Chapter 7. First published in 1936. Web. 31 July 2018.


Crowley, Aleister. Liber AL vel Legis. (The Book of Law.)

Website of O.T.O, Ordo Templi Orientis. Web. 25 July 2018.


Crowley, Aleister Liber DCCCXIII Vel Ararita Sub Figura DLXX.

Written Winter 1907-1908. Web. 31 July 2018.

Website of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) U.S.A.


A Russian translation is available on Alexander Dugin’s website of Milyi Angel (The Kind Angel) [Милый Ангел]

Алистер Кроули LIBER DCCCXIII vel Ararita


Crowley, Aleister Liber OZ. The Declaration of the Rights of Man.

Website of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) U.S.A. Undated. Web 28 July 2018


Crowley, Aleister. Liber Samekh Theurgia Goetia Summa (Congressus Cum Daemone) sub figurâ DCCC. (ca. 1920). Web. 25 July 2018. https://hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib800

Crowley, Aleister. Magick Without Tears.

Biblioteka Peyades

Complete and Unabridged, edited with a Foreword by Karl J. Germer2

© 1954 Karl J. Germer for Ordo Templi Orientis

Renewed 1982© BLURB. Web. 28 July 2018


Drury, Nevill. Stealing Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Modern Western Magic. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Drury, Nevill (2011) [2002]. The Watkins Dictionary of Magic: Over 3000 Entries on the World of Magical Formulas, Secret Symbols and the Occult. London: Watkins Publishing, [2002] 2012.

Dugin, Alexander [Aleksandr]. 418 Masok subyekta. (The Entity’s 418 Masks.) [418 Масок субъекта.] First published in Nezavismaia Gazeta, 1996. Web. 25 July 2018. http://arcto.ru/article/103

The article was included in Dugin’s book Tampliery proletariata: Natsional-bol’shevizm i initsiatsiia. (Knights Templar of theProletariat: National Bolshevism and Initiation.) амплеры Пролетариата, Национал-большевизм и инициация.] Moscow: Arktogeia 1997.

Dugin, Alexander [Aleksandr].  Bremia Angelov. (The Burden of the Angels) [Бремя ангелов]

Undated. Web. 28 July 2018


Dugin, Alexander. [Aleksandr]. “Esli by ne grazhdanstkaia voina, edinoverie moglo by stat’ glavnym soderzhaniem tserkovnoi zhiyzni.” (“If it hadn’t been for the civil war, edinoverie might have become the main content of church life.”) [“Если бы не гражданская война, единоверие могло бы стать главным содержанием церковной жизни.”] 5 Feb 2016. Web. 25 July 2018.


Dugin, Alexander. Horizon of the Ideal Empire. Original title: Gorizont ideal’noi imperii. Горизонт идеальной империи. Translated from the Russian by Jafe Arnold. Published on Dugin’s website gepolitka.ru Web. 31 July 2018.

in English 11 October 2017 https://www.geopolitica.ru/en/article/horizon-ideal-empire

in Russian 10 October 2017 https://www.geopolitica.ru/article/gorizont-idealnoy-imperii

Dugin, Alexander [Aleksandr]. Imia moe – topor. (Dostoevskyi i metafizika Peterburga). My Name is Axe. (Dostoyevsky and the Metaphysics of St. Petersburg). [Имя мое – топор. (Достоевский и метафизика Петербурга).] First published in 1996 in Nezavizimaia gazeta.

Web 25 July 2018 http://arcto.ru/article/104

The article was included in Dugin’s book Tampliery proletariata: Natsional-bol’shevizm i initsiatsiia. (Knights Templar of theProletariat: National Bolshevism and Initiation). амплеры Пролетариата, Национал-большевизм и инициация ] Moscow: Arktogeia 1997.

Dugin, Alexander. [Aleksandr] Iulius Evola, Yazycheskii imperialist. (Julius Evola, The Pagan Imperialist.) [Юлиус Эвола, Языческий империалист.], 1990

Published on Dugin’s website Arctogaia. Web. 28 July 2018.


Dugin, Alexander [Aleksandr]. “Kaszhdyi den’ my dolzhny ubivat’ v sebe zapadnika.” (“We need to kill the Westerner inside ourselves every day.”) [“Каждый день мы должны убивать в себе западника.”] Russia Today, InoSMI, 10 June 2008. Web. 28 July 2018


Dugin, Alexander [Aleksandr]. Magia Khaosa. (Chaos Magic.) [Магия хаоса.]  

Undated. Web. 31 July 2018 http://arctogaia.com/public/templars/crowly.htm

The article was included as part 6 in Dugin’s book Tampliery proletariata: Natsional-bol’shevizm i initsiatsiia. (Knights Templar of the Proletariat: National Bolshevism and Initiation.) амплеры Пролетариата, Национал-большевизм и инициация.] Moscow: Arktogeia 1997.

Dugin, Alexander [Aleksandr]. Misterii Evrazii. (The Mysteries of Eurasia.) [Мистерии Евразии.]

Written in 1989 or 1991. Moscow: Arktogeya, 1996

Dugin, Alexander [Aleksandr]. Osnovy geopolitki  (kniga 2). (The Basic Principles of Geopolitics, volume 2.) [Основы геополитики (Книга 2).]

Moscow: Arctogeia centre, 2000

Published on Alexander Dugin’s website Arctogaia. Web. 28 July 2018


Dugin, Alexander [Aleksandr]. The Fourth Political Theory and the Problem of the Devil.

Translated from the Russian by Jafe Arnold. Published on Dugin’s website gepolitka.ru. Web. 31 July 2018. Original title: Chetvertaia politicheskaia teoriia i problema diavola. [Четвертая политическая теория и проблема дьявола]

in English 18 July 2017


in Russian 13 July 2017


Dugin, Alexander [Aleksandr]. Tseli I zadachi nashei revolutsii. (The Goals and Tasks of Our Revolution.) [Цели и задачи нашей революции.] Moscow: Fravarti 1995. (The Publishing house could not be verified.) Web 31 July 2018.


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Dulfill, Graham. “Russian Jazz: Sergey Kuryokhin Interview.”

Independent Music, Olympia, Washington, 1983, pp 45-47.

Web. 15 September 2020. http://www.e-e.eu/Sergey-Kuryokhin-Russian-Jazz/index.html

Evola, Julius. Pagan Imperialism. Translated by Cologero Salvo. Gornahoor Press 2017. Web. 31 July 2018. (First published in Italian as Imperialismo Pagano in 1928.) Web. 31 July 2018.


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Web 28 July 2018 https://totalfront.livejournal.com/30905.html

Gipfeltreffen mit Putins fünfter Kolonne.” Tages-Anzeiger, 3 June 2014. Web. 28 July 2018


Gosudarstvennaia Publichnaia Istoricheskaia Biblioteka (The Russian State Public Historical Library) [Государственная публичная историческая библиотека России (ГПИБ)]

“Vybory v Rossii. Vybory v Gosudarstvennuiu dumu RF :: Vtoroi sozyv, 17. Dekabria 1995” (“Elections in Russia :: Elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The Second Legislative Period, 17 December 1995”) [“Выборы в России. Выборы в Государственную думу РФ :: Второй созыв, 17 декабря 1995”]. Web. 25 July 2018. http://www2001.shpl.ru/plakat/index.php%3Fid=2840&sel_id=0.html

Guzman Dzha, Vladimir. Tropoj Sviashchennogo Kozeroga ili V poiskakh aboliutnogo tsentra (The Trail of the Holy Capricorn, or The Search of the Absolut Centre) [Тропой Священного Козерога, или В поисках абсолютного центра]

Saint Petersburg: Red Fish publishers, 2005

Hagemeister, Michael. “Konstantin Tsiolkovskii and the Occult Roots of Soviet Space Travel.” In The New Age of Russia. Occult and Esoteric Dimensions, edited by Birgit Menzel, Michael Hagemeister and Bernice Glatzer. München u.a.: Sagner, 2012, pp. 135-150

Hanson, Stephen E. Post-Imperial Democracies: Ideology and Party Formation in Third Republic France, Weimar Germany, and Post-Soviet Russia. (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010, p. 220.

Hayes, Sebastian Fyodor Tyutchev by John Dewey. 1 Feb. 2018. Web 27 July 2018.


Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Science of Logic. 1812. (Wissenschaft der Logik).Translator’s name and year of translation not indicated.

Volume One: The Objective Logic,
 Book One: The Doctrine of Being
. With What must Science Begin? § 111. Web. 31 July 2018.

http://www.inkwells.org/index_htm_files/hegel.pdf, p. 31

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Wissenschaft der Logik. 1812. Erster Teil. Erstes Buch: Die Lehre vom Sein. Womit muß der Anfang der Wissenschaft gemacht werden?

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Pop-mekhanika v Khelsinki 1995 (Pop-Mekhanika in Helsinki) [Поп - механика в Хельсинки /1995/]

1 September 1995. Web. 28 July 2018.


Sergei Kurekhin Pop-mekhanika No 418 (Sergey Kuryokhin – Pop-Mekhanika No 418) [Сергей Курёхин - Поп-механика № 418] 23 September 1995. Web. 28 July 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoBLYHL3vSA

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Uploaded 13 August 2018
Last updated 29 January 2021
